21 May Know The Best From The Best In The Business – Creative Writing E-Course by The BlogChatter
A new journey of a writer could not have been possible without some guidance from The BlogChatter. The creative writing program is what every writer needs to be sure of the creative process.
Creative writing is not a natural progression to blogging, but it can be so, if you bring in the right kind of people to guide you of the path they have already walked on.
What was the purpose of this creative writing program with The BlogChatter?
- To help writers capitalize on their ideas of writing
- To structure the book by developing interesting plots
- To develop the characters
What was the process?
- In today’s digitally advanced world we were blessed to have our creative writing mentors on IG live or FB live.
- Anand Neelkantan, Chitra Divakarun, Dipankar Banerjee, Samarpita, Posham Pa,Kanchana Banerjee, Kiran Manral, Saumick Pal were the mentors and we were glad to ask them questions for strengthning our creative writing process.
Take away from The Creative Writing E-Course?
- Creative writing is more about flow, one can not restrict it. We can condition most of it with the data available and research. Authenticity of creative material entirely depends on the data on which the author relies so, going ahead if there are any facts which need to be put in the book, research is necessary
- Character development should happen in due course of time. One can not completely develop a character based on some ideas. The character has to live on in the mind of the author and the author has to bring it on paper.
- The tone of the character can be defined with words. The best way to set the correct tone is to read the dialogues out. This was one of the best methods of setting up the tone of the character in the book.
- If the book is based on Mythology then, it is necessary to back it up with necessary research also bringing in all the rasas from natyashastra would make it a complete package.
- Self publishing and marketing are the toughest tasks that we have at hand as authors but those can be handled by smartly sharing on social media.
- Sharing the excerpt, graphics on social media so that people get aware of the book is always welcome. One needs to check out whether the posts are getting repetitive.
These were our take aways from the Creative Writing E-Course. Hope to learn more.
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