18 Jun Postnatal Exercises That Help Losing Weight
Motherhood is a blessing. It is a wonderful feeling that one can not describe in words. It is also a very testing time for new moms who do not know what to expect. When to start postnatal exercises is a very common question now a days.
Having mother or mother figure besides you guiding becomes crucial but in the times of technology you have many online resources helping you at each stage of pregnancy, delivery and motherhood.
There are thousands of resources online to help new moms go through motherhood. Having said that no two pregnancies and deliveries are the same. It takes huge amount of time to come back to normalcy after delivery. There are some things which we need to accept after motherhood.
The body has gone through a lot and we need to be kind to it.
Stomach and the pelvic floor area would be under a complete transformation after birthing, shrinking it back to fit in skinny jeans is possible but that should not be your priority when there are other challenges like bringing body back to normal.
When To Start Postnatal Exercises?
The first symptom of the body getting back to normal is when you feel fresh in the morning which can be achieved with Postnatal Exercises.
Most of the time, it takes 2-3 months for the new moms to come to normal waking up routine if the baby has set his/her schedule. If the sleep schedule is not set by the baby, moms struggle with night feed. Back pain and hip pain is also common in new moms which is a result of constant feeding and doing other babycentric chores.
Once you feel confident with the chores, know that this is the time you can set your mindset on body transformation
How soon after birth can you exercise?
It is perfectly fine to be not up to any particular exercise, just making small changes in your lifestyle would bring in a lot of difference. It is absolutely OK not to stick to any specific regime but remember the sooner you start working out, the better. We tend to put on a lot of post delivery, once you start getting in the groove, there is a less chance of feeling depressed and you can bounce back quickly. In India, they say the first 40 days are crucial for the mom and baby bonding. Giving yourself time through some physical activity that you enjoy is good after the first 40 days. Walking is the best exercise post-delivery.
Stretches to be done after delivery
Stretches should be relaxing and refreshing. Here is Amy from Bodyfit, demonstrating basic stretches.
Core Strengthening:
Bridget Teyler is a birth doula and her video about Core Strengthening covers all the important postnatal aspects. You can check the video here. This video
is applicable to new mummas. This is a very measured and educative video, I am sure you will get a lot of information from it.
Postnatal Exercises or Post Abdominal Surgery Workout
Fitness blender has always been providing comprehensive workout series. I did not expect this to be there on fitness blender. These are post natal workouts or post abdominal surgery workouts. Mummas with C- Section, can check here and start working out.
Baby Bulge Begone – Popsugar
If you are familiar with Popsugar workouts, here are some postnatal exercises with some modifications to normal workouts. I like the no-fuss instructor. 🙂
Hot Body Healthy Mommy – Jillian Michaels
My favourite is Jillian because she means business. 🙂
Her workouts are not free and are not available on the Youtube but you can always get her DVD “Hot body healthy mommy”. or her app. Jillian has hardcore workouts which would never let you down. Try and Let me know.
These postnatal exercises are advanced ones but she does not step up suddenly. She steps up slowly. So, just enjoy what she tells and bring in that needed change.
While working out remember, spot reduction is not possible, so do not fall prey to the sauna belts and other equipments which promise melting the belly fat. It is just not possible. Let us workout and see to that our body is happy.
After all our efforts should be concentrated on Healthy Mommy and Hot body thereafter.
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