How to use Chia Seeds for weight loss

How to use Chia Seeds for weight loss


Chia seeds are all rage around the world. Let’s take a sneak peek into their weight loss properties.

Weight loss journey comes up with many challenges. Scale is going down but inches loss is not seen. Inches go down but the scale doesn’t move. There are situations when you want to give up. Give up on the workouts. Eat that ham burger/ or that pie which you feel will comfort you. But there are some tricks and tips which can be included in your diet and which really
aids in further shredding of those stubborn extra pounds mostly around your belly. Fibrous diet wins most of the brownie points when it comes to weight loss. Ideally a person should have 25-30 grams of fiber intake on a daily basis. Fiber makes you feel fuller and thus keeps you satiated for longer hours than the other food.
Now there are some super foods which can aid weight loss. Chia Seeds have taken the world by its miraculous nutritional profile.

chia seeds for weightloss

Important facts about Chia seeds

  1. 100 grams of Chia seeds get you a 34 grams of fiber intake. And has many other micro nutrients.
  2. Excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. Rich in antioxidants
  4. Loaded with vitamins,minerals,essential fats,calcium,manganese,zinc etc.

Ways and methods to incorporate Chia seeds in your diet

  1. Sprinkle a few seeds to any food
  2. Add a spoon to smoothies
  3. Soak them a night before and eat it in the overnight soaked and refrigerated oatmeal

Some other benefits of Chia seeds are

  1. Increases your energy levels and stamina
  2. Stronger immune system
  3. Cleanses the colon
  4. Reduces inflammation and arthritis
  5. Helps in prevention of cancer
    So, why wait? Get your pack of Chia seeds now!!

Hormone balancing food guide is just here..

Snehal Joshi

Snehal is a Certified Nutrition Coach by National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is writing about her persuits of Nutrition Science since last 4 years.

  • Martha
    Posted at 00:34h, 20 April

    I have a bag of chia seeds and use them in smoothies but haven’t tried them in other foods. Have to soak them and try them in the overnight oatmeal.

  • Kat Sturtz
    Posted at 01:18h, 20 April

    We add chia seeds to lots of recipes, including smoothies. One of my favorite recipes is homemade chia pudding made with almond milk and vanilla bean powder.