Increase Your Stamina With 5 Simple Steps

Increase Your Stamina With 5 Simple Steps

Stamina plays an important role in your performance of daily activities. 90% of us do not have enough stamina to carry through the day which results in fatigue and leads to different health complications. Many people feel that they would lose whatever energy they have by working out. But that is a myth. Here are 5 top tips increase your stamina.

Tip: 1 Get yourself tested:

Baseline medical tests are important to find out how fit you are. It will also help you identify whether there are any deficiencies in your body.

Tip: 2 Start with a balanced diet:

Well, starting with a good diet is half way through the increased stamina. I have already talked enough about food in my article.

Tip:3 Play your favorite sport:

Playing your favourite sport is best to overcome fatigue. It will also help to boost your stamina. Your favorite sport being aerobic exercise it will help you strengthen your heart so that there is more oxygen for all parts of your body.

Tip: 4 Have smaller meals:

The flow of energy needs to be maintained throughout the day for your body. Eating small meals throughout the day helps to keep up the energy increasing the stamina.

Tip: 5 Increase your water content:
Reduce dehydration and fatigue by drinking water all day. It will give your body constant supply of oxygen.

Once the stamina is good, you are good to amp up your exercise and make the most of it.

Snehal Joshi

Snehal is a Certified Nutrition Coach by National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is writing about her persuits of Nutrition Science since last 4 years.

  • Shweta
    Posted at 00:50h, 11 April

    Agree with the points and well drafted for beginners aiming to increase stamina and walk on path of fitness!

  • Lily Leung
    Posted at 04:16h, 11 April

    Simple enough and do-able. Will try for the water as I’m already doing the other points.


  • Jeanine Byers
    Posted at 10:22h, 11 April

    I am planning to move toward smaller meals, but have been putting it off. I am with you about the favorite sport but mine is dancing. 🙂

  • Mandy
    Posted at 02:13h, 12 April

    Great tips! I definitely need to follow these. Especially drinking more water. I don’t drink nearly enough. But also working out too. Great post! And best of luck on the A-Z challenge!

  • Banunathi
    Posted at 11:49h, 03 December

    Good points. Well said too.