05 Nov Why should you go “No sugar”?
The5ammommies are always up for the challenge. This month I take #NosugarNovember challenge. No! I don’t have diabetes, neither type I nor type II. Then why strain yourself? Relax and enjoy that ice cream, those leftovers sweets from Diwali, Gear up for Xmas cakes and yes forgot about the Halloween treats! I differ to opine here. It is always said,” Make hay till the sun shines”! Though in Chennai, Mr. Sun shines all through the year, sometimes even more scorching, I prepare myself to take up a challenge before any doctor imposes it on me.This is something which I feel doable.
I am self confessed sweet lover. I “love” sweets. I love my cup of tea with sugar and also those filter cappis. Then why should I part my ways with something I love? The gains? Oh Wait! Weight loss? Well, this could be one of the reasons. But let us list some of the heftier other reasons for taking up this “insurmountable challenge”. Also, make a note that I couldn’t go beyond 4th-5th day in the month of September when I attempted the challenge.
- Taking sugar in the cup of tea/coffee the first thing in the morning is pouring “empty” calories, spiking your energy levels for the moment and then drain of the energy later. As a mom to a toddler I want constant energy levels throughout the day.
- White/ brown sugar increases the risk of heart diseases by increasing triglycerides and arteriosclerosis.
- Sugar causes obesity and exposes you to the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
- Sugar causes inflammation in body and also leads to insulin resistance.
- Consuming sugar has been associated with increased instances of the dreadful disease called Cancer.
Well, I am not here to list more than what looked really scary to me.
What my father says? Dad comes from a humble agricultural/farming family. He narrates his fond memories of childhood. He doesn’t forget to emphasize that it was only during the festivals or some grand celebrations that the SWEET was consumed. And sugar wasn’t available in such huge quantities, in every household like it is found today. Jaggery was more in fashion then. And manual work was harder.
Sugar was never the norm of Indians before probably the fifties and of course the obese population was less. With no availability to over availability of sugar we Indians have become addicted to the early morning teas and coffees with tablespoons of sugars. Remember that our ancestors worked harder and didn’t need sugar to”kick start” their mornings. Why kick start? The reasons of consuming have more to do with our inner selves than the outer environment.
At a point now in my life, I don’t feel the urge to pour that sugary coffee/tea to start my day. I wake up to the challenge mindfully. Ask myself, “Why do you need this”? Pass 5 minutes and grab a tea without sugar/banana/coffee without sugar and look at the other sweet things life has to offer. For me the necessary cup of sweet sanity became an addiction. I wanted it and wanted it badly. I generally hate to be dependent on anything and anyone to bring me comfort and happiness. I give my body a chance to fight its battles now even more fiercely without that cup. I may fail. But I am happy I am trying my level best. Also add to it my insane workout which makes me think twice before I fall for that silly cup of tea with sugar.
Try a challenge. More reasons in detail will follow in the posts to come. I have adapted a healthier lifestyle. I think addiction to sugar is more harmful than addiction to alcohol. I do and strongly believe. Are you ready for a change? Are you up to give up your temptations? Trust me, ”It builds self confidence like no other”! If I can , you too can. Try with small baby steps and one day you will find your newer self.
You may also read the post from Snehal Sham https://www.the5ammommy.com/failed-no-sugar-challenge/.
Posted at 19:06h, 05 NovemberSituational message for me… I thought of the same and started this Challenge..!
“ I prepare myself to take up a challenge before any doctor imposes it on me.This is something which I feel doable.”
Posted at 19:57h, 05 NovemberWow! Sounds great..we connect on many frequencies,Bharath. happy you have a sweet tooth and want to reduce sugar. I love sweets and so I am on the challenge..get on board with the challenge